Coach pitching division for boys and girls ages 7 and 8. Learning, player development and having fun are keys to success in this division.
Control pitch baseball focuses on the transition from tee ball to player pitch. Emphasis will be on learning the rules of the game and improving various skills in a fun environment. Teams are coached by volunteers who will work to help your player improve on the core baseball skills of hitting, catching, throwing and running. For the more experienced players, this division will also help your athlete fine tune their abilities and be a leader on the team.
Age: 7-8 (where the child has to be 7 years old as of May 1st, 2024)
Cost: $85
Time Commitment: Practices will be 2x a week at the discretion of the head coach through Memorial Day. Practices during the season is up to the individual coach but is usually only on occasion or a light warm up prior to games. Games are typically played 2x a week with the season concluding in mid-July.
Interested in coaching? All teams will need a head coach and 2-3 assistant coaches. Please consider helping out as coaching is the key to the league’s success. If you’re new to baseball or coaching, don’t worry, we will provide a coaching clinic, practice plan and support throughout the season.
Director of Baseball-Control Pitch